International Cake Contest 2014


Last Nov 27 we celebrated the latest edition of our International Cake Contest, with the help of Ellen Stewart and the Departments of English and Technology.


This edition we got help from students in 4º Bilingual as juries. They decided the winners this year. Thank you, kids!

The winners this year have been:

London Cake

Sara Gago, Estela García, Lucía de la Hija, Elena Chico and Ainhoa Corral got the prize to the most original recipe.

Battenberg Cake

Ángel Flores, Carlos Moreno and Alejandro Vadillo got the price to the most visually attractive piece.

Chocolate Brownie

Víctor García, Sergio Guerrero, Pablo Fernández and Ismael Gutiérrez got the recognition to the most delicious cake.

The Big-"Cocho"

Jaime Martín, Carlos González, Miguel Fernández, Manuel Ávila and Daniel Pérez got the reward to the best oral presentation for their performance with Big-Cocho.

In this edition, all the participants got their Diploma of Participation which accreditates their effort and credit for the activity.

If you are a student with access to our Moodle 2 classroom, you can view the full picture gallery.